Henri-Frédéric Amiel, a Swiss moral philosopher, poet, and critic

Henri-Frédéric Amiel, Swiss moral philosopher, poet, and critic

There’s a universal exchange on the last day of December:  HAPPY NEW YEAR.

I’ve wondered, these past few weeks, what this time-old tradition at midnight meant. Three words, HAPPY NEW YEAR, celebrated in loud cheers, teary and loving hugs, or whispered in solitude.

I’d like to believe when the words HAPPY NEW YEAR are rejoiced, friends are closer and enemies are wiser because of the past year. Is it too optimistic to hope differences and similarities can blend into a palatable feast lasting all of the New Year?

As the year closes, one doesn’t need to rehash news headlines, conspiracies, and all the causes that have made 2021 a most forgettable year. Maybe just digest what a wise philosopher and critic, Henri Frédéric Amiel said~ “All appears to change when we change.”

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Donna Pizzi
3 years ago

Beautifully expressed and written, especially the line about the words Happy New Year when said with joy that friends are closer and enemies wiser…. with all differences and similarities blending into a palatable feast lasting all of the New Year. Such a POSITIVE way to view the road that lies ahead. Bless you for putting it so succinctly. It literally reverberated in my soul. Happy New Year!

Gwyllm Llwydd
3 years ago

Very Nice! Time for a fresh start, and to new endeavours.
Much Love,

Heather Williams
3 years ago

I LOVE those few words: ? “All appears to change when we change.” Yes indeed it is the simplest words of the great Teachings. Thank you Cheryl!!!

Edythe Chaney
Edythe Chaney
3 years ago

Beautifully put and very true! Hopefully there will be a change, for the better! To quote Rodney King, “Can we all just get along?